Check back in late April for announcement of 2025 inductees!
The Arkansas Women's Hall of Fame depends on members of the public to nominate extraordinary women for induction. Nominations are accepted from organizations or individuals throughout the state. A diverse group of Arkansas citizens is recruited to act as a Selection Committee.
The women inducted into the Hall of Fame have made a major impact on the lives of others and helped to elevate the status of women in our state, our nation, and, in some cases, around the world. When choosing someone to honor, consider the following criteria:
Nominee must be a current or former resident of Arkansas.
Evidence that she has positively elevated the status and demonstrated an impact on women and girls.
Has she helped open new frontiers for women and society in general?
Is the community and/or state better for the contributions of the nominee?
Are people in general better because of the accomplishments of the nominee?
Are women in Arkansas, the region, and/or the US better, has women's status improved, or have opportunities increased for women because of the life and contributions of the nominee? and/or
Is the nation, world or particular discipline, profession, or field better because of the contributions of the nominee?
Various categories of disciplines, professions or fields may include but are not limited to: Arts, Athletics, Business, Community Service, Conservation, Education, Government, Health, the Humanities, Philanthropy, Politics, Sciences and Theology among others.
Nominations may be made for specifically named individuals or for a group or class of women who may have been jointly associated with a significant event or movement.
*The above criteria will be the basis for selection of members to the Arkansas Women’s Hall of Fame.
5-9 members
Statewide representation
AWHOF Board appoints members to the selection committee
Nomination materials are distributed to the selection committee in early March.
Each member of the selection committee ranks the nominees (in order of their personal preference) and provides comments to clarify their rankings.
As a group, the selection committee meets mid-March to discuss and come to a consensus on the individuals to be honored and inducted.
Honorees are contacted immediately following the selection committee’s decision.
This checklist is provided to assist those who wish to nominate a person to the Arkansas Woman’s Hall of Fame in evaluating the possible nominee against the criteria for selection. Click here for checklist.
Unique letters of recommendation (up to 3) that can attest to the accomplishments in the nomination
Articles, publications, or media coverage that validate the information submitted
Awards, recognitions, or other accolades
Individual testimonials from beneficiaries regarding the impact of the nominee’s service and leadership
Photos (optional)
North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
Attn: Ashley Hight
P.O. Box 5288
North Little Rock, AR 72119
North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
100 Main Street
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Ashley Hight